Some 68 per cent of participants in our Business Climate Survey reported profitable 操作 in 泰国 during 2019. 然而, price sensitivity among consumers continues to be a challenging issue for Swedish companies in the premium segment.

泰国的经济正在显示出有希望的发展. This year’s survey reveals that nearly one out of three companies (32 per cent) with 操作 in Southeast Asia generate a significant portion of their revenue from 泰国. Household consumption and private investments are on the rise and the government is set to roll out major infrastructure projects.

驾驭商业环境并不完全容易. 改变规定, corruption and political instability were reported as the top three concerns among 45 surveyed companies. Language barriers and a lack of skilled labour in the technology field are further obstacles that Swedish companies are tackling on the ground.



The Business Climate Survey is produced on a bi-annual basis by 团队ag体育官网 where Business ag体育官网 collaborates with ag体育官网’s local embassies, 世界各地的领事馆和商会, 在其他利益相关者中.

The survey provides first-hand perspectives and insights into business trends, issues and challenges in global markets based on extensive interviews with Swedish companies operating in each respective country.