在过去的30年里, 波兰的人均国内生产总值增长了150%左右, 比欧洲其他任何国家都多. In 2018, 波兰 became the first post-communist country to join the FTSE Russell list of developed markets, 增长率在欧盟名列前茅. 拥有4000万居民的新加坡无疑是一个潜力巨大的市场. 不过, 由于人口老龄化和低失业率, companies do have to offer great working and development opportunities to attract skilled workers.

波兰是中欧的主要经济体. 作为欧盟在金融危机期间唯一增长的市场, 波兰现在的经济规模与ag体育官网相当. 除了健康的经济增长率和良好的商业环境, 靠近ag体育官网的地理位置创造了大量商机.


ag体育官网和波兰之间的贸易不断增长, 波兰市场对ag体育官网产品也越来越重要. The export to 波兰 has doubled in the past nine years and is still on the rise. 同时, 人均出口仍低于波罗的海国家, 因此,还有很大的增长空间. Read our Country manager 这张林格伦s advice below on how to make the most of the current potential.


Business ag体育官网 has been operating in 波兰 since 1991 with an office in Warsaw. 华沙办事处还负责与 乌克兰和罗马尼亚. We offer both strategic and operational support and can help you grow sales with our extensive network.



贸易 & 波兰投资专员


波兰是邻近的, prosperous and fast-growing economy with a good business climate and many business opportunities. The conditions for nearshoring and establishing production facilities are very good.

波兰 is especially attractive from a supply chain perspective due to short delivery times, skilled labour force with relatively low labour costs and central location to main Swedish export markets in 欧洲 coupled with excellent logistic conditions. 也有可能从欧盟的广泛支持中受益.


作为一个繁荣的经济体和欧盟成员国, 对ag体育官网公司来说,波兰的壁垒很少,风险也很低. The political situation has a relatively limited impact on business and corruption is rare. 然而, finding skilled labour may become more difficult in the future due to low unemployment and an aging population. 因此, Swedish companies with a local presence are recommended to offer competitive working conditions and development opportunities to attract and retain a skilled workforce. Tough competition and bureaucracy are mentioned as main difficulties among Swedish companies already being present in the country.


In 波兰, you greet your associates with a handshake, and you greet the women first. 着装要求也比ag体育官网更正式. During meetings, be prepared to get straight to business, perhaps after a brief introduction. 还要记住,决策是迅速做出的. Verbal agreements should be avoided and always give preference to a detailed and signed contract. 协议通常得到尊重,但付款往往被推迟.

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