A fast growing middle class and a steady growth of mobile phone usage has made Africa a hot spot for business opportunities.

班布瓦对自己的商业理念充满信心, 但他们意识到,他们缺乏成功所需的市场知识. Fortunately, Business Sweden could provide detailed market analyses and a useful contact network.

在加纳设立了新办事处, 尼日利亚和利比里亚, 在线音乐站将在15个市场推出, 这次商业冒险已经取得了巨大的成功.

Bambwa’s ambition to serve Sub-Saharan Africa with a local music streaming service first came to light at the beginning of 2017, 他们渴望快速行动.

然而,该公司缺乏对当地市场的了解是一个巨大的挑战. 一开始, 实际上,我们对新市场一无所知,马特·奥林说, Bambwa的创始人之一.

在进入新市场时,我们将始终与ag体育官网商业部合作, 因为如果我们自己去做的话,时间会更长,成本也会更高. matrten Ohlin,首席运营官

填补空白, Bambwa took part in Business Sweden's Steps to Export (now offered as a digital program called GoGlobal) and other tailor-made services within the Global Business Development program. The programs are designed to help Swedish companies enter a new market in the quickest and most efficient way, 它得到了回报, Mårten confirms: “Business Sweden's tools and services were essential when planning our rapid expansion.”

班布瓦还在其他方面受益于ag体育官网商社的专业知识. “没有ag体育官网商务公司的市场分析和联系网络, 要在非洲站稳脚跟需要相当长的时间,马马特说.

班布瓦经营理念的一个重要部分就是迎合当地的需求, 这反映在许多层面上——从推广最好的本地音乐, 确保他们的ag体育官网以最少的移动数据运行.

Bambwa甚至开发了自己的商业模式Tempium, “临时”和“免费增值”这两个词的结合. 这项ag体育官网的资金来自广告,并免费提供, but users can choose to unlock the premium version during a limited time offer through a quick and easy mobile payment.


Bambwa are not the only entrepreneurs who saw enormous potential for a music streaming service in Africa. 然而, most of their competitors have not put as much effort into understanding consumer needs, 这产生了巨大的影响. 

通过建立一个变革者的网络, 班布瓦计划为创强做出贡献, 非洲现代社会. At the same time, the company’s ambitions are not limited to the African continent. The coming launch of a web radio network in 15 markets will focus on making Bambwa the primary entertainment channel in the African diaspora around the world.

换句话说, 前方还有许多令人兴奋的前景, and Business Sweden is looking forward to contributing to Bambwa’s future success.



Bambwa’s main challenge was how to enter a new market without the necessary local knowledge and an established contact network.


Business Sweden provided in-depth market analyses and used its local contact network to find suitable business partners. Bambwa also attended Business Sweden's program Steps to Export (now offered as a digital program called GoGlobal) and other tailor-made services within the Global Business Development program.


班布瓦在加纳、尼日利亚和利比里亚开设了办事处并雇用了员工. 该公司与版权协会签署了协议, 音乐产业, 移动电话运营商, 加纳和尼日利亚的广告代理商和艺术家.


成立于2017年, Bambwa has established a music streaming service that serves local needs in Sub-Saharan Africa and the Ivory Coast.


Bambwa has taken the first steps towards establishing itself as a pan-African entertainment and impact company, 并旨在建立强大, 非洲现代社会.