进入像韩国这样具有文化挑战的市场, 当地专业知识和行业知识都至关重要. ContextVision与ag体育官网商业在首尔的办公室密切合作, 韩国现在是他们最大的出口市场之一.

拥有30多年的行业经验, ContextVision is the undisputed leader in the medical imaging technology segment. Most of ContextVision’s customers are medical equipment manufacturers who produce advanced imaging equipment for procedures such as ultrasound, 乳房x光检查, 磁共振成像(MRI)和数字x射线.

目前,ContextVision有五到十个客户来自韩国. 贝格森家托尔, 亚洲OEM销售总监, 与中国和日本不同, 韩国 has tended to be overlooked as an export market for Swedish companies.

要想在这里取得成功,你需要了解韩国市场的动态. 拥有当地资源有助于弥合文化差距. 贝格森家托尔, ContextVision亚洲OEM销售总监

“你需要了解韩国市场的动态,才能在这里取得成功, and this is why Business ag体育官网’s local presence and expertise has been absolutely invaluable to us", 达尔说.

ag体育官网商业公司驻首尔的高级项目经理, Bong-Soon公园, dedicates approximately one week per month to handle the day-to-day interactions with these customers. She also facilitates ContextVision’s trips and activities in 韩国 and face-to-face meetings.


“在一个个人关系, 等级制度和本地网络非常重要, it can sometimes be difficult for a foreign company to navigate the complex company structures and get access to the right decision-makers. I believe Business ag体育官网’s official status and existing network helps customers like ContextVision get past the first obstacles to a new customer,Park说。.

“There have been occasions when having this local resource has really helped us bridge the gap,Heyerdahl继续说道. “The fast pace in 韩国n industries puts new requirements on ContextVision, and Mrs. Park真的支持我们满足客户的高期望. 她对我们的生意有很大的影响, both thanks to her extensive local industry knowledge and immense professionalism,Heyerdahl总结道.

ContextVision还与ag体育官网商务公司在中国开展了合作, 俄罗斯, 印度和美国, 目前在北京从ag体育官网商务公司租了一间办公室.



使ContextVision能够打入韩国市场, 有着独特的文化, 语言和做生意的方式.


A consultant at Business ag体育官网 spends one week a month working for ContextVision to support them navigate market complexity and accelerate sales. She reinforces ContextVision’s customer relationships and works continuously to find new revenue streams on the 韩国n market to propel growth.


韩国已成为ContextVision的最大出口市场, ag体育官网商务部门负责与客户的日常交易.

Note: This report was compiled before 俄罗斯’s invasion of 乌克兰 in February 2022 which has dramatically changed the security policy situation and business conditions in the region. 如需最新资讯,请透过电邮联络我们 Exportregler.



公司成立于1983年,总部设在斯德哥尔摩, ContextVision is a medical technology company that specializes in image analysis and artificial intelligence. It is the global market leader in developing imaging technology for procedures such as ultrasound, 数字x光, 介入放射学, 乳房x光检查, 磁共振成像, 数字病理学.

在奥斯陆证券交易所上市, ContextVision在亚洲设有办事处和合作伙伴, 欧洲和北美.